Contact Information: |
Company Name: |
Contact Name: (Required) |
Physical Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
Phone: |
Fax: |
E-mail: (Required) |
How I found H-D Solutions: |
About your Company: |
What industry is your business? |
Do you currently have marketing materials? |
No |
Can you provide existing marketing material? |
No |
Who is your target market for this website? |
About the Website: |
Do you currently have a website? |
No |
If yes, what is the address? |
What is your desired completion date of the website? |
What is your purpose for the website? |
Site Layout: |
Which pages do you want included on your site? |
Other Pages: (please list the names of these pages) |
Total Number of Pages: |
Is there a design for the new website? |
No |
What are your color preferences?
(esp. what colors are you using in current marketing materials) |
Font preferences? (Verdana, Times Roman, Arial, Helvetica, Georgia, none) |
Background preferences? (solid color, texture, border, pattern, watermark) |
Do you have your logo in electronic format? |
Not Required |
Do you have the content written for the site? |
No |
Do you have the images/graphics you wish for the site? |
No |
Do you want audio or video streaming on the site? |
Both |
Which pages? |
What is the overall impression you want to give your visitors?
(High quality merchandise, elegance, sense of humor/fun, professionalism, etc.) |
Hosting and Domain Names: |
Do you have a host selected? |
No |
Would you like us to provide a host? |
No |
Have you purchased a domain name? |
No |
Domain name needed?
What domain name would you like? We will lookup for availability |
Other: |
Any other comments/suggestions? |